Bruno wants a fresh new start with you in 2022!


Hey there, buddy!

My name is Bruno. What’s yours? I’ve been at the Dumb Friends League since August. I got to go to foster care earlier this month, and it’s the best. Well, almost. The actual best would be to go to a home that I never ever have to leave … except, that is, to go for walks in the great outdoors!

I came to the League when my original person moved away, and wow, was I in shock. Sudden changes like these can be overwhelming for an anxious guy like myself. You see, I do best when I’m the only dog around, so you can imagine how hard the adjustment has been in a place with so many other pups waiting for adoption. I was pretty spoiled living in a single-dog home for four of my five years.

Anyway, back to my delightful foster home. My foster parent raves about me, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t give me a little extra pep in my step! He gives me the care, attention, and belly rubs I’ve been craving for so long, and I keep a close eye on his whereabouts. We even get to veg out on the couch together, which I’ve missed, oh, so much! I dream of the day when I can once again snuggle up with my family in their warm and fluffy bed.

All the love and affection I receive are wonderful … but it does take me a bit of time to feel comfortable with new people. I have some body-handling sensitivities, and I prefer to call the shots while we’re still getting to know each other. It’s quite different building that trust in a home versus a shelter. That’s why my transition to foster care has been so helpful. There are fewer distractions, and I don’t feel as fearful now that I’m in a cozy home environment.

My restlessness in the shelter made going for walks extra important. I was always in a hurry and could frolic in the play yard all day long. Luckily, my foster home has a big backyard where I can go any time I want, so I’ve really learned to relax since being here. Like many dogs, I thrive on routine, so multiple walks a day and playtime help satisfy my energy needs. I hope my next (and forever!) home has a big backyard too. I can’t tell you how nice it is to enjoy the peaceful sunshine and soft grass between my toes. Plus, I have plenty of space to chew my toys and be my true, goofy self. People are always laughing with me, and when you’re having fun, I’m having fun. It’s what keeps me young!

Here’s the thing, though: the joy I feel with humans doesn’t always happen when I interact with fellow canines. There’s still something in me that makes it difficult to walk by other dogs without saying something. It can be concerning to others around me, and I worry that it gives people preconceived and misguided notions about who I really am – just a sweet, sensitive guy who wants to be near you and have fun together.

I’m a curious fella, too. I pride myself on being able to open the lid of almost anything to see what’s inside – toy bins, garbage carts … you name it. It’s actually quite impressive. But all that fun stuff aside, I’m most curious about my future family. Who are you? And where are you? Do you have fun plans in store for the new year? I hope they include lots of sleeping in and plenty of car rides to exciting destinations … and most of all, I hope they include me.

You may have already heard the news from my pals, Kyle and Panther, but anyone interested in taking me home can adopt me for 50% less than the regular fee. Just give the Leslie A. Malone Center a call at 303.751.5772, and they’ll arrange a time for my foster parent to bring me in to say hi! Just mention “Bruno,” and they’ll know exactly who you’re talking about. I’m known as a huge lovebug with a smile to match!

Nothing would make me happier than to have a whole new beginning with you. Will 2022 be the year that brings us together, at long last?