Help Animals Like Blossom!

Blossom photo


When investigators from the Colorado Humane Society (CHS), a program of the Dumb Friends League, first laid eyes on Blossom, his fragile little body was trapped in thick mud that suctioned him to the cold, wet ground. Fortunately, our team of caregivers was there – to lift him from despair and surround him with safety and love.

Now at our Harmony Equine Center in Franktown, Blossom is receiving nourishment, medical treatment, warm shelter, and constant care – likely for the first time in his young life. Because of disease and malnourishment, Blossom often lacks the strength to stand or remain stable on his own, requiring our staff and volunteers to monitor him day and night. Whenever his weakened legs give out, our Harmony team rushes to catch his fall.

Recently, Blossom reached two amazing milestones – for the first time, our team heard him nicker and saw him stand on his own! However, he is not out of the woods yet. Like so many horses and other equines in our care, Blossom needs continued support to get back on his feet and heal from the trauma he has endured.

Thanks to generous and compassionate supporters like you, the Harmony team is able to provide lifesaving care, rehabilitation, and positive training for horses like Blossom each and every day. Will you help them continue their vital work by donating to the League today?